What People Are Saying

“Harmon is ready to serve Auburn”

“To the work of being Auburn’s mayor, Jeff Harmon would bring impressive skills.

He has a strong history of being a respectful listener and has been a trusted leader in several different professional settings. His commitment to open discussions and transparency in decision-making would help Auburn as our community works toward an ever better future for all.

Jeff’s leadership skills were honed during his time in law enforcement, beginning in Auburn and lasting until he retired as deputy chief of the Maine State Police. His business savvy and appreciation of the role of business in building a thriving community grew from his 15 years leading a software company.

Because Jeff has thoughtfully studied Auburn’s current challenges and been involved in contributing to solutions, he is ready to serve.

With this background and his strengths, I fully support Jeff Harmon for mayor and hope others support him.”

— Ned Claxton, Auburn

“Harmon would listen to Auburn residents, protect Lake Auburn”

“This year Auburn residents have a unique opportunity to elect a mayor who would listen to our voices and take effective action in protecting our most valuable natural resource, Lake Auburn.

Our current mayor has too often taken positions which could jeopardize our water quality and, in some instances, has led our City Council into taking actions which directly contradict Auburn voices.

Many will remember the 2022 citizen petition drive calling on the City Council to repeal its controversial and destructive zoning ordinance. Through Mayor Jason Levesque’s efforts, the council did some minor tweaking of the ordinance which allowed councilors to circumvent the wishes of our 2,400 residents who signed that petition.

This type of back office political maneuvering needs to stop, and we now have a candidate in Jeff Harmon who would do just that.”

— Rick Speer, Auburn

“Harmon would work hard to put Auburn back on track”

“Generations of dedicated professionals and volunteers have protected our drinking water supply for good reason.

Clean affordable water is a primary driver for attracting and keeping businesses and industries. Studies have shown that the region has no readily viable backup public water supply.

In the last six years under Jason Levesque as Auburn’s mayor, I’ve seen a systematic effort to chip away at the protections that are in place that have kept our water rates among the lowest in the state. I support responsible growth, but relaxing development standards around the lake could result in irreversible negative consequences.

Jeff Harmon has impressed me as a thoughtful man who understands many complex issues Auburn is facing, and I believe he would work hard to put us back on the right track.

I hope residents will join me and vote for Jeff Harmon for mayor of Auburn.”

— Sid Hazelton, Auburn, retired Auburn Water District superintendent

“Harmon should be Auburn’s next mayor”

“Jeff Harmon has demonstrated his willingness, enthusiasm and skills to assume Auburn’s mayorship.

Mr. Harmon has regularly attended City Council meetings, Planning Board meetings and public gatherings. Jeff has clearly addressed issues before city government and has actively participated with community groups concerned with municipal legislative impacts upon neighborhoods, natural resources and sensible growth.

Jeff Harmon has eagerly and personally committed to introduce himself and to listen and discuss individual thoughts and concerns. Of the hundreds of community members who Jeff has already conversed with, many have written to publicly appreciate Jeff’s refreshing openness and voice. Only a sampling of the numerous accolades follows:

* energetic and enthusiastic

* open and transparent

* values engagement and collaboration

* conversationally thoughtful and sincere

* healthy community spirit

* sensibly value driven

* dedicated to proper governing processes

I can only echo and amplify the above and hope others join me to vote Jeff Harmon for Auburn’s next mayor.”

— Bob Hayes, Auburn

“Harmon can turn Auburn around”

“It can be challenging to get people to pay attention to local politics. However, this year there seems to be a lot of interest in local issues.

Many people see that the city of Auburn is moving in the wrong direction. With the elimination of curbside recycling and the sweeping zoning changes that could affect the drinking water supply for both Auburn and Lewiston, people are starting to pay attention.

Important decisions are being made without a lot of opportunity for public input.

I had the pleasure of meeting Auburn mayoral candidate Jeff Harmon last week. As a long-time resident of Auburn and former police officer, Jeff thoroughly understands local government and the issues that we are facing in Auburn.

He has committed to transparent processes that listen to the citizens, and I’m confident he can turn the city around.

I’m voting for Jeff for mayor, and I hope others will, too.”

— Maureen Hopkins, Auburn

“Harmon a trustworthy, intelligent, hardworking mayoral candidate”

“I was an elected official for four years on the Auburn City Council. I was privileged to work with many exemplary staff.

Being a councilor allowed me to address issues important to our community.

In the last few years, it has been encouraging and reassuring to see residents educate themselves and organize to make their voices heard. They were forced to do this because some of our elected officials have not fulfilled their obligation to listen and respond to community concerns and wishes.

It has been disheartening to see some elected officials treat their own constituents with disregard, bullying and lack of engagement. There is a “closed system” of deliberation and decision making.

It is time for this to change.

I heartily support Jeff Harmon for mayor as someone who is trustworthy, intelligent and hardworking. He would create and support a culture of openness and thoughtful, inclusive decision making.”

— Holly Lasagna, Auburn

“Harmon offers new leadership that Auburn needs”

“Recently, I was disappointed to miss Auburn mayoral candidate Jeff Harmon as he was walking in my neighborhood.

After taking time to read the flyer he left, I noticed that he mentioned among his beliefs listening and treating everyone with respect and dignity.

I compared that with experiences I had at recent City Council meetings. On several occasions where I was present, our current mayor shut down audience members in a very rude and condescending manner. Those people included School Committee members, former City Council members, and a former mayor.

Even I was singled out, told to be quiet and not talk to the person next to me. I was embarrassed and humiliated, and can only imagine that the others felt the same.

We need new leadership in Auburn that will respect its citizens and address their problems.

I hope residents vote for Jeff Harmon Nov. 7.”

— Virginia Marczak, Auburn

“Harmon is mayoral candidate Auburn has been waiting for”

“I am impressed with Jeff Harmon.

Running hard for mayor of Auburn, he absolutely understands the challenges facing the city and its residents. He understands the city manager form of government and how it should work.

His many years of working for the State Police and interacting with state government over policies, procedure and budgets has taught him the value of teamwork, long and short-term planning and collaboration.

Having dealt with real-world threats to his safety, he is undeterred when faced with opposition. Analytical and practical, he understands balancing the development of affordable housing with the needs of current residents in terms of city services.

Diplomatic but determined, he would protect the watershed while maximizing growth, all while keeping an eye on the budget and impact on property taxes.

He is the mayoral candidate Auburn has been waiting for. I hope people join me in voting for Jeff Harmon.”

— Joan Macri, Auburn

“Harmon as mayor would ‘build a bright future for Auburn’”

“I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Jeff Harmon’s candidacy for mayor of Auburn.

Jeff identifies the important role of openness and transparency in promoting trust in our local government. He values the concerns of all residents of Auburn and supports engagement and collaboration.

His calm and unruffled demeanor is an attribute that is important in the sometimes testy debates of today’s politics and working through the challenges that lie ahead for our community.

I have seen Jeff demonstrate his ability to be an exceptional listener. He takes time to hear the concerns and ideas of our citizens, showing genuine interest in, and respect for, their perspectives.

His willingness to listen, learn and adapt is a trait much needed in order to serve our community.

I hope citizens support Jeff Harmon in the upcoming election. Together, under his leadership, we can build a bright future for Auburn.”

— Faith Barker, Auburn

“Harmon ‘would bring a fresh perspective’ as Auburn’s mayor”

“I support Jeff Harmon for Auburn mayor for many reasons, but at the top of the list is his ability and willingness to listen and gain information from a variety of sources.

During his campaign, I have had the pleasure of meeting with him twice to learn about his ideas, philosophies and areas of concern. What I see in Jeff is a person who cares for Auburn, is not abrasive, can bring groups of people together, has years of leadership experience, and his desire to protect Auburn’s natural resources.

I appreciate the values under which he is running and his transparency. He would bring a fresh perspective that is so desperately needed.”

— Mary LaFontaine, Auburn

“Harmon offers ‘welcome change’ to Auburn”

“I think Jeff Harmon for mayor of Auburn would be a welcome change.

The Lake Auburn watershed is at risk of losing its enviable status as a pure water supply for our community. It is one of a handful of pure water resources left in the entire country that does not require an expensive water treatment facility to make it usable for our sized city.

According to Lewiston’s Public Works 2022 report, if water qualify of the lake goes down it could require a $40-$60 million filtration plant with operational costs of additional $1 million per year.

Mr. Harmon would do a much better job of protecting Lake Auburn’s water supply. And I think he would bring more civility and balance back to Auburn’s day-to-day governance and decision making for the betterment of our town.”

— Scott T. Currie, Auburn

“Harmon is a team player, problem-solver for Auburn”

“In the half-century I have lived in Auburn I have known many mayors.

A few years ago, when one of our neighbors called to ask me to write in John Jenkins for mayor, I asked him why. His answer: “Because I know I can trust John.”

Until yesterday, no candidate for mayor ever took the time to come to our house to listen to my wife and my thoughts about Auburn. We had no idea who Jeff Harmon was until he walked smiling into our dooryard.

He didn’t ask for our vote, but rather asked about our concerns. It took only a few minutes to see that Jeff is the team player and problem-solver we can trust to fix what’s broken.

His clear and understandable answers to our concerns show he really knows what’s going on in Auburn.”

— David Haines, Auburn

“Harmon offers ‘ethical, collaborative future for Auburn’”

“Jeff Harmon would restore citizen collaboration at the Auburn City Council, Planning Board and Water District if elected our mayor.

Jeff is a 25-year veteran of law enforcement, starting in Auburn. With 15 years of experience delivering software solutions to state and local government, he brings a wide perspective to leadership.

He is visiting people across the city, energetic proof of his commitment to listening.

Jeff understands that sensible growth can reach affordable housing goals while maintaining traditional neighborhoods with open agriculture and natural resource land. He understands the economic value of the Lake Auburn waiver from filtration that provides pure affordable water. Jeff also understands that education and economic development are driving forces to our well-being.

Dedicated to transparency, Jeff would ensure ethical standards are followed at all levels of local government.

A vote for Jeff Harmon is a vote for an ethical, collaborative future for Auburn.”

— Neria Douglass, Auburn

“Auburn needs a new mayor”

“I sat next to Jeff Harmon when I was gathering petition signatures to keep Lake Auburn clean, and he was gathering signatures to improve the rezoning process along Court Street.

This year, I have been driving Jeff Harmon on his door-to-door election rounds. I am impressed with his ability to engage all types of people in meaningful conversations about how our city is governed. He does not hesitate to converse with anyone about anything, and he wants to do the most good for the most people if he becomes Auburn’s mayor.

Our current mayor governs by intimidation. This year we have a choice other than voting the old mayor back in. Jeff Harmon is that choice.

Jeff listens rather than bullies. Jeff has no agenda other than what is best for the people of Auburn.

Auburn desperately needs new leadership. I hope people mark their calendar to vote on Nov. 7.”

— Ben Lounsbury, Auburn

“Harmon a ‘gifted, motivated’ candidate for Auburn mayor”

“Jeff Harmon is exactly the unifying and steadying force Auburn needs in a mayor right now.

A lifelong Maine resident, Jeff knows how important economic progress is to all Mainers, while also valuing our environmental concerns, such as clean water. It is not an easy balancing act. Jeff is the man for the job.

As a past deputy chief of the State Police, Jeff believes government officials should treat everyone with dignity and respect. He values law and order but is not a bully.

Do people miss Auburn’s recycling program? Jeff would listen to the committee’s recommendations to see what can be done.

When I first met Jeff, he struck me as incredibly ethical and passionate about a better way for government to function. We are fortunate to have such a gifted, motivated man willing to guide us through these turbulent times.

Vote Jeff Harmon for mayor of Auburn.”

— Candy Gleason, Auburn

“Harmon offers brighter future for Auburn”

“I am glad to add my support for Jeff Harmon as Auburn’s next mayor.

I have met Jeff, and he is an upstanding citizen who is open and honest. He listens to what the public is saying and makes decisions based on their interests not his own.

His leadership qualities are second to none, as shown in his 25-year law enforcement career. In addition, his community service has included his leadership role in Citizens for Sensible Growth and the Agriculture and Resource Protection Group.

We have several issues facing the city of Auburn, such as zoning, protecting Lake Auburn and affordable housing, just to name three. And Jeff is willing to roll up his sleeves to deal with these issues in an open and fair manner.

Jeff Harmon can move Auburn forward into the future that would be brighter than it is today. I hope people vote for him.”

— Edward Cormier, Auburn

“Harmon is the positive change Auburn needs”

“Residents of Auburn are very fortunate this fall to have Jeff Harmon running for mayor.

Jeff brings with him a wealth of professional experience in law enforcement and the private sector. He has demonstrated deep dedication to this community, where he and his wife have lived for over 30 years and raised two children.

Like many cities its size, Auburn faces numerous challenges, from housing issues and zoning to water quality and economic development. To grapple with those issues, community members need to feel that their voices are being heard and taken seriously.

True leadership involves respectful listening; Jeff would help create an environment where that could happen.

He would be a collaborative leader for Auburn as we aim to live up to our commitment to “no steps backward.”

— Jane Costlow and David Das, Auburn

“Harmon cares about Auburn and its residents”

“The first time I saw Jeff Harmon was at a sign-the-petition drive to Protect Lake Auburn at the Subaru building on Center Street in Auburn.

Jeff calmly explained the petition and answered questions that citizens asked.

The next time I saw Jeff, he was speaking at a City Council meeting. Again I saw he was well prepared, and his calmness was impressive.

Now I see Jeff Harmon is running for mayor. From what I have seen, here is a man who cares about our city and its residents.

That’s exactly what I am looking for in a mayor. I hope others do, too.”

— Mary Ann Norcross, Auburn

“Harmon would be an excellent Auburn mayor”

“We’d like to encourage people who live in Auburn to talk to Jeff Harmon, who is running for the city’s mayor this fall.

Many citizens like to vote early, so it’s important to know now who’s willing to help run our city. Jeff is a good neighbor and friend who has been visiting all of the neighborhoods to meet and talk to as many residents as he can before the election.

He is an intelligent man who would use his experiences in public service, business and his personal life to work with the Auburn City Council, School Committee, and City Hall employees.

We need someone who listens and fairly solves issues. Jeff Harmon would be an excellent mayor for Auburn.”

— Angela and Tim Delorme, Auburn

“Vote Jeff Harmon for Auburn mayor”

“I first met Jeff Harmon recently and was tremendously impressed by his commitment to work collaboratively as the new mayor of Auburn.

Jeff seeks out the advice of people with expertise to offer in solving the many problems faced by Auburn, including — but not limited to — recycling, preserving the environment, promoting transportation, education and housing.

His commitment to safeguarding our jewel that is Lake Auburn is strong. He pledges to work with experts to inform the City Council of the available solutions to all citywide issues.

Rejecting a “do it alone” philosophy would bring a needed breath of fresh air to the city’s leadership.

For all these reasons, I strongly support Jeff Harmon for mayor of Auburn.”

— Joseph Pelliccia, Auburn

“Harmon would ‘bring a sense of unity’ back to Auburn”

“I have been very disappointed in the direction Auburn’s administration and leadership has been taking in the last few years. It feels that the benefit of a minority far outweighs the good of the majority.

The candidacy of Jeff Harmon offers me some hope for the future. With him as mayor and hopefully a complete change in the leadership of City Council, we may be able to restore transparency and trust in our elected officials.

Mr. Harmon brings a renewed hope that the citizens of Auburn will be listened to, offered the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process, and treated with dignity and respect.

He is committed to an ethical approach in government.

I believe Mr. Harmon would bring a sense of unity back to our community.”

— Donna Hammond, Auburn

“Harmon is ‘the political future’ of Auburn”

“Today I met the political future of this amazing city, if we choose to vote and make a statement.

Jeff Harmon is running for Auburn mayor, and he is the real deal.

When is the last time folks met a person running for office who possesses uncommon common sense and is seeking public office to actually make positive change, instead of seeking personal gain or using it as a steppingstone to higher positions or grandiose plans?

It was great to meet Jeff Harmon and be face-to-face with humanity, decency and service to others.

So, if folks see a gentleman who looks like he stepped out from a Norman Rockwell painting, canvassing the neighborhood, looking to share his vision for a place he clearly cares about, I hope they take the time to converse with him.

It could prove to be mighty pleasing.”

— Zoo Cain, Auburn

“Jeff Harmon is a natural leader”

“Jeff Harmon has always been a natural leader.

During his first career in law enforcement and public service he began as a patrol officer in the Auburn Police Department. Based on his leadership skills, he rose to become the deputy chief of the Maine State Police.

Then in his second career with a software company, Constellation Software, his leadership skills were recognized again; he was promoted to the position of general manager for three of the company’s business divisions.

More recently he has been a leader actively involved with three citizens groups advocating for sensible growth in Auburn, and protecting Lake Auburn’s drinking water and the natural resources in the Agricultural & Natural Resources areas in rural Auburn.

Jeff is the kind of leader that Auburn needs to put it back on the right track. I hope people join me in supporting Jeff Harmon for mayor in November.”

— John Cleveland, Auburn, former mayor of Auburn and state senator

“Save Lake Auburn, vote Harmon for mayor.”

“Auburn Mayor Jason Levesque is a real estate developer.

He and his like-minded cronies’ thinly veiled attempts to steer Auburn away from its longstanding comprehensive plan to maintain the precious natural resources is not a mystery or concern for affordable housing, which evidently belongs in Lewiston or on the backs of low income homeowners in Auburn via his ADU (accessory dwelling unit) grant plan.

Save Lake Auburn.

Protect the Agricultural Zone.

Vote Jeff Harmon for Auburn mayor.”

— Ann Oskam, Auburn

“Jeff Harmon: Sensible mayor, sensible growth”

“It is with great enthusiasm that I support Jeff Harmon as Auburn’s next mayor. I hope others do as well, and here is why.

I am one of more than 2,400 Auburn citizens who signed petitions to protect our drinking water and stop the wholesale rezoning of our neighborhoods that the current mayor and his minions ignored.

Jeff has also worked against a number of city initiatives to change zoning that threatens our drinking water and the safety of our neighborhoods. He believes in sensible growth for Auburn that includes collaboration with citizens.

Jeff has been knocking on doors (over 2,500 to date) listening to residents all over Auburn about what is important to them. He is committed to protecting Auburn’s natural resources while promoting strong economic development.

We can have the best of both worlds with Jeff Harmon as Auburn’s mayor.”

— Sharon Philbrook Bergeron, Auburn

Harmon “an excellent alternative” for Auburn mayor.

“I am glad to see that Jeff Harmon is running for mayor of Auburn.

The city needs a more transparent and sensible approach to development. The large and still expanding apartment complex on Court Street is but one example of housing that is only affordable for upper middle-income individuals and families. Additionally, it adds significant traffic congestion to an already crowded Court Street.

Auburn desperately needs housing that is thoughtfully planned, affordable for working families, and does not endanger our natural resources.

With a career in law enforcement, Jeff has worked with all kinds of people and is a great communicator. He knows the necessity for compromise and would work well with city officials and citizens.

While it seems a bit early, people should be aware that Auburn has an excellent alternative in the November election.”

— Susan Martin, Auburn

“I applaud Jeff Harmon’s decision to run for mayor of Auburn. He would be a breath of fresh air for the city.”

“I’ve known Jeff going back to our law enforcement days when he was deputy chief of the Maine State Police. He is bright, has high moral character and is a true public servant.

My daughter Karla babysat his children years ago. They are an exemplary family.

Jeff has heard complaints of the residents of Auburn and Lewiston and said he “will work collaboratively to foster participatory decision making, while treating everyone with dignity and respect.”

Harmon would protect the drinking water of Auburn and Lewiston. He isn’t running for personal gain as demonstrated by his activism in the group Citizens for Sensible Growth — he would fight against zoning changes that would benefit only a few.

Jeff Harmon isn’t about personal wealth, because he cares about people’s health and safety.”

— Larry Gilbert Sr., Lewiston, former mayor of Lewiston

“Harmon embodies values, qualities Auburn needs”

“It is with enthusiasm that I endorse Auburn mayoral candidate Jeff Harmon, who possesses experience-based understanding of how our city operates and what Auburn truly needs to thrive.

His attentive listening and thoughtful reflection set him apart as a candidate who genuinely values the voices of our community. Moreover, his ability to communicate respectfully with a calm demeanor in challenging situations is truly admirable.

Jeff’s exceptional skill in collaboration enables him to bring people together, foster an inclusive environment, and find innovative solutions to complex issues. With Jeff’s leadership, Auburn can continue to grow and flourish.

I wholeheartedly believe that supporting this candidate is in the best interest of Auburn. Residents should unite on Election Day and vote for a mayoral candidate who embodies the values and qualities needed to lead our city toward a prosperous and harmonious future.”

— Katherine Giasson, Auburn

“Auburn needs Jeff Harmon as its mayor”

“The Auburn City Council needs a new approach — one led by a mayor who values our irreplaceable community assets.

Precious Lake Auburn — a source of fresh, clean water for generations — is now threatened by development of 1,100 housing units. Our still-vibrant neighborhoods have undergone major zoning changes leading to unsolved traffic and congestion problems. And too many citizens have been rudely treated by the current mayor at public meetings.

I support Jeff Harmon for mayor. A lifelong Maine resident, graduate of Edward Little High School and college graduate — Jeff knows our community and respects its traditions. As a member of Citizens for Sensible Growth, he has urged the council to address public concerns.

A former deputy chief of the Maine State Police, Jeff listens and has the skills needed to bring our community together as we face the challenges ahead.

Auburn needs Jeff Harmon as our mayor.”

— Nancy Greene, Auburn

“Harmon would be a facilitator, collaborator for Auburn”

“I began attending Auburn City Council meetings this summer after becoming concerned with the future of Lake Auburn and the loss of curbside recycling.

I wanted to see firsthand how Auburn has become entrenched in these controversial matters. What I witnessed was certainly not democracy in action.

My distaste for what I witnessed through the summer at Auburn City Hall brought me to an informal meet-and-greet with mayoral candidate Jeff Harmon. As community members spoke to Jeff, I heard a common experience of my own: frustration at local government ignoring the will of the people.

Jeff engaged our group thoughtfully and with consideration. He shared his experience as a leader in the State Police, and he communicated that he sees the role of mayor as a facilitator and collaborator.

I want to live in a community where my voice matters. I hope Auburn residents consider Jeff Harmon for mayor.”

— Christopher King, Auburn

“Harmon listens carefully to Auburn residents”

“I support Jeff Harmon for Auburn mayor.

Jeff is carefully listening to the people of Auburn. He came to our door and spent quite a while listening to the things that are important to me and to my husband.

I see Jeff walking around town frequently, going door to door to hear what our citizens want for Auburn. Harmon would lead a city that hears, considers and values all concerned citizens’ opinions.

As a resident and former school counselor in Auburn, I care deeply about the education of our children and adults. Jeff is familiar with Auburn’s schools. His children attended Auburn schools and graduated from Edward Little, as did my children. Harmon is a strong supporter of access to a quality education.

Harmon has business experience and good ideas on how to achieve strong economic development and affordable housing, while protecting our natural resources. We can have both.”

— Susan Weiss, Auburn

“Vote Harmon for Auburn mayor, stop the theatrics”

”Come November, Auburn voters have a chance to change the tone in city hall. For the past few years many news reports about Auburn have featured an argumentative mayor responding negatively to pushback from citizens who are concerned about the rapid development all over the city, including on our beautiful lake.

Jeff Harmon is running for mayor of Auburn. He’s a calm person who thinks before he speaks and knows what he is talking about. He respects the opinions of others, whether they agree with him or not.

Jeff’s background in law enforcement makes him well attuned to the needs of those who live in our community and those who work in city government.

It’s time to stop the theatrics and elect a mayor who understands what it means to be a public servant.”

— Renee Cote, Auburn

“Imagine Auburn with Jeff Harmon as mayor”

“Imagine what Auburn could be.

Imagine us working together, all voices and concerns encouraged, welcomed and heard without contempt or bullying.

Imagine us protecting our environment and natural resources, not by contesting a crucial watershed boundary, but instead by making our pole star of development generously, unambiguously protecting the watersheds of our two great ponds and river.

Imagine housing keyed not to how many hundreds of units can be squeezed in, but to how thoughtfully we restore, build and maintain neighborhoods that feature diverse yet cohesive livability.

Imagine our schools touted not only for the grandness of their buildings, but more importantly for the greatness of the learning within and beyond their walls.

Fortunately, mayoral candidate Jeff Harmon believes in all these goals.

I hope residents vote for him in November, so we can move beyond imagining to making Auburn all it can be.”

— Jan Phillips, Auburn

“Harmon would treat Auburn citizens with dignity, respect as mayor”

“I hope Auburn voters choose Jeff Harmon as our next mayor.

After my joining with many other Auburn residents in petitioning against proposed zoning changes and for the the continued protection of Lake Auburn from further area housing development, it seems that these efforts have been consistently deflected or ignored by the current city government led by Jason Levesque.

Fortunately, Jeff Harmon is both willing and able to serve as mayor. From his activity in the group Citizens for Sensible Growth, fighting against a number of city initiatives to change zoning, to his responsive campaign promising participatory decision making, he would treat people with dignity and respect.

I hope voters join me in support of Jeff Harmon for mayor on Nov. 7.”

— Ralph Tuttle, Auburn

“Harmon is the positive change Auburn needs”

“Jeff Harmon as mayor of Auburn would bring positive changes to Auburn.

He would bring commitment, transparency and honesty, and respect everyone as Auburn’s mayor. He is intelligent, listens to people, and focuses on bringing people together to find the best solutions to today’s challenging problems.

Jeff is committed to meeting as many people as possible as he goes house to house and listens to Auburn voters. Residents owe it to themselves to talk with him when he comes to their door. People should share their thoughts and ask him questions. They will be impressed with his thoughtful and common-sense answers.

If residents want Auburn’s leadership to return to being open, honest, respectful, and working for the best interest of its citizens, not for personal gain, than they should vote for Jeff Harmon for mayor.

It is up to us as voters to vote for the leadership we want.”

— Tim and Karen Simpson, Auburn

“Harmon supports curbside recycling, food waste composting”

“If Auburn residents desire more sustainable solutions for waste disposal, we need to focus on November’s election.

This year the City Council eliminated curbside recycling. The current mayor and council have proven they ignore the recommendations of their own Sustainability Work Group. I’m advocating for voting for Jeff Harmon for mayor, as he respects the knowledge of experts when developing solutions.

Residents were told the best solution is to incinerate trash to create electricity. However, wet food waste means the incinerator must increase natural gas usage to dry out trash.

We need a larger composting program to divert wet food waste. This would result in lower costs due to less trash weight, and drier trash to burn would be a win-win. Better curbside recycling would focus on what’s most recyclable.

Let’s vote for Jeff Harmon for mayor and council candidates like Ryan Smith, so sustainable waste solutions become our future.”

— Sasha Goodwin, Auburn