You Can Make A Difference

Your support means so much. Thank you for making a contribution to my campaign!

Donations can also be made by check. Make your check payable to Harmon For Mayor. Send your donation to:

Harmon For Mayor
P.O. Box 724
Auburn, ME 04212

Please make sure that your address is included on the check. For donations of $50 or more state law requires that you also include your occupation and employer on the check.

State law limits contributions to a maximum of $575 per donor for a municipal campaign.

State law requires that you be a US citizen to contribute.

Effective June 22, 2023, State law now allows contributions to municipal campaigns from a corporate or business entity. Two or more entities are treated as a single entity if the entities:

A. Share the majority of members of their boards of directors;
B. Share 2 or more officers;
C. Are owned or controlled by the same majority shareholder or shareholders;
C-1. Are limited liability companies that are owned or controlled by the same majority member or members; or
D. Are in a parent-subsidiary relationship

Please note that a sole proprietorship and its owner are treated as a single entity.

If you have questions about making a donation please contact us at